My first weekend at my new house was kind of a liberating experience… I had guests staying over, losers dropping by anytime they want, for food and for making fun of me at MY OWN HOUSE, drawing room “mishaps”, staying out till midnight without having to face the wrath of parents/security/warden, fooling around with the cooking gas (cooking is too strong a word to use for preparing Maggie and omlette but yeah, I am getting there, slowly), making people jealous about my house and trying on a combination of nail polish, sunscreen n foundation at 3:00 a.m. in the morning!
And yes, CLEANING THE TOILET FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YOUR LIFE really really liberates you from whatever inhibitions you may have left…
keep it up..lot more liberations to come and many more inhibitions to shed!!!!!!!!enjoy
Good Good....
@ usha aunty
the liberations hapens esp during the weekends when we oversleep n the maid goes away n we clean all the mess of one week :(
@ aashay
wait till u get kicked out of ur king size life in sonar bangla... just u wait!
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