Sunday, May 25, 2008


I don’t know what to do, I am so confused, I am shattered! This is the biggest ever tragedy that has befallen me. This is not any mundane problem like failing exams, financial crisis, family problems, career choices or broken relationships- so I don’t even know how to deal with it! I can’t read, I can’t work, I can’t even sleep properly. I have tried looking for solutions on the net, I have asked people, but it all seems so clichéd, so futile…

So ok, what’s this huge, elephantine problem that is bothering me? I am pregnant, or rather I look like I am! Hyderabad has been one big party for me with all the sinful indulgences- food, food and more food! So at the end of seven weeks, I find myself 4 kilos heavier, two sizes bigger and trust me, it takes all the fun out of shopping. And what am I without shopping? It’s like I have been ripped off my identity, the only thing that defines me! And I have a wedding to attend next month with the Sale season due in two months, so it’s of utmost importance that I lose weight, and I lose it fast!

So please stop smirking and help me: it may not seem to be a big deal to most of you, but it’s important to me! I can’t help being shallow and stupid and insecure! Hmmmphhhh….


Shivangi said...

2 sizes heavier?/..umphh..!! that makes ya wht?...size 14...!!! lord..!! and i nearly fell off my chair reading the pregnent bit..!!!

btw: do i get some of ur clothes??? u cant possibly fit in them now..!!!

Maverick said...

ever seen the movie shallow hal, it the innner beauty that matters... :)... so dont despair... theres still hope :)

Umme Salma Kandoriwala said...

hey babes,
i know putting on lots of weight can be a real tragedy and can cause lots of anxiety and depression...but i will try and give u some tips to loose weight...
1. leave hyderabad.
2. dont go out wid yur frens for dinner or lunch.
3. dont buy new clothes...promise yur self that u have to anyways fit in the old ones. once in a day
5. dont eat chocholates, patatoes, rice, pizza, sandwitch, bhel or ice cream.
6. visit all the places by foot--> that way u will even save yur bus fare.
7. have more thin girls in yur group.
8. dont go for movies as that will force u to eat a popcorn and samosa in the theatre.
9. buy a weighing machine and weigh yur self every day.and say if u weigh 67. then put the no 67 on a big chart paper and stick it in yur room.
10.Be sensible. dont follow any of the the above.u r very beautiful the way u r.Be the same.

Abhishek Sharma said...

well the gravid bit was really a shocker.... but i did read beyond that and well i do feel thth i can share some wisdom here....

1) No u cannot lose weight in 1 month......
2) ask urself is it the weight tht bothers u or the size of the clothes , No they are not related in the way u think....

3) now here are just some healthy tips, i practice them and would recommend...

eat cornflakes with milk in the morning....they'll fill u up real nice....consequently all the bhujia's nd samosas will be hard to swallow....

eat whole wheat mite sound cliched but thats cause it really works.....

Assuming ur goin to reach scmhrd very soon...u'll hav access to their gym.....
start working out...wont elaborate on it here....
but in one line concentrate on both cardio and weight training...if nemore doubts regardin this will be glad to help

save a fruit as the after lunch/dinner u end up not eatin the toblerone's ndt the roscher's...

All the above will go a long way...
but most importantly....
do not be conscious of wat u eat every single time...thth will be maniacal nd thts not kewl!!
once or twice in a week a little sundae...or a dark chocolate decadence dsnt hurt :)


Nefertiti said...

thank u everybdy for ur support at this hour of crisis... really appreciate it!!!!
@ shivangi
NO, U DO NOT GET MY CLOTHES!!! they look good on ME...n I will get into them SOON!!!!
@ Maverick
well, i think beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder, so I will just hang around with drunk ppl
love ya sweetheart :)
@ abhishek
hmmmm... did i mention I am LAZY and hedonistic n i love eating?

Shivangi said...


advice:clge jake gym, and swimming karna tabhi kuch hoga..!! for now just enjoi...:-))

Abhishek Sharma said...

hmmm there's a glitch!!!
but then am sure u'll first invent a "snack" which wen eaten leads to workout :)... ofcourse u'll finance the projkt urself nd watch the supply for marketing wen will this space come handy!!