Sunday, September 14, 2008

Most Mortifying Moments...

Most Mortifying Moments…

1. Guy walking ahead with his back to me. Thinking it’s my dad on his way back from the office, I run up to him and give him a surprise hug. Surprised, he turns back, and yeah, it’s not my dad…
2. Me scoring 9 out of 100 in my Physics paper in Class XI…
3. Me sending an extremely inappropriate text message to somebody when it was meant for somebody else…
4. Me saying something uncharitable about my boss to my friend on messenger; only I type at the wrong chat window (yeah, my boss’ window)…
5. Me in FSA class…. (EVERY BLOODY FRIDAY)

Please note that the above list is only indicative and not exhaustive… I have not mentioned any of the numerous incidents of me falling down, me chasing buses, me putting my foot in my mouth…


Shivangi said...
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Shivangi said...

plz post exhaustive list of 'accidents'..
else some of us will be forced to contribute..


Oh! It happens to the best of us!

My most mortifying moment... was... Hmmmm... Oh Gosh! Yeah! It was in an auto in Mumbai! Yeah! I beat all your records in my one moment, fair & square, and that is all I can disclose in ur blog now!

Unless.. you tell me an incident that beats mine, and then I can reveal it here.. Else, you will just never find out! :-D

Nefertiti said...

@ shivangi
u cannot possibly embarrass me on a public forum. as if its not embarrassmnt enuf 2 hv u arnd me ALL the time on campus

I like the way u say it happens 2 the best of us... gives me a chnce 2 self indulge :) n hw abt u mail me ur auto incident...

Aashay said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing us informative entries.