Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rebel With(out) a Cause

Most of my friends who have stuck around in the company they joined from campus (we all know what happened to the 2009 batch) and completed two years have been doing really well and getting promoted. I say this with genuine pride and happiness because (and I am sure they will agree with me) it wouldn’t have been possible without my support and encouragement. The very fact that I touched their lives ensured that their bosses recommended them for a promotion.

My boss, on the other hand, sent me a mail saying I should consider taking the training on “business etiquette and corporate behavior” (I hate when people spell behaviour without a ‘u’). It’s actually funny if it wasn’t so bloody insulting. Anyway, the lesson I have taken out of this little altercation is no matter how much you dislike your boss, never make it evident in the monsoon season. Now that I don’t get along with him, I can’t afford to slack at work (in fact I work harder than ever) which in turn means struggling to work at 8:30 a.m. even when it is raining cats and dogs and I am the first person to turn up AND SWITCH ON THE WASHROOM LIGHTS.

But after a lot of thinking last night, I have decided that it’s not ENTIRELY DK Bose’s fault that we don’t get along. Of course, he is not the best manager (though he is super smart) but I am also this moody, stubborn, rebellious kid who is yet to learn to say the right things at the right time to the right people. It worked against me throughout B school (I could never plead with the faculty or indulge in mindless CP for the extra GPA even if that meant writing a backlog) and while things were pretty smooth in Company D, towards the end, I got into a showdown with my manager. So I observe a trend here: the problem lies with ME and not the whole world.

The root of the problem is: I DON”T WANT TO DO THIS WORK…


ssoggo said...

Oh my God! You actually made it evident to DK Bose that you dislike him?!! Gutsy, Nefertiti!

P.S. The problem doesn't lie with the whole world, only that small part of the world with which you're having to deal with

Nefertiti said...

my actions speak louder than words.

And grass is always just grass... EEN ON THE OTHER SIDE

Anonymous said...

tsk tsk! When will you learn...if ever?!?! :)

Nefertiti said...

probably never...